Socious sponsored a charity bike tour

Socious is proud to be an official supporter of the 2023 Knights in White Lycra (KIWL) Charity bike tour!Over the weekend, our colleague, Madi Lommen, concluded a 4-day ride of 500 kilometers to support the marginalized youth through the local non-profit NPO Mirai no Mori. Altogether, the group raised 13 million JPY (93,000 USD) to empower youth in care homes to develop as leaders through outdoor adventure.Congratulations to the riders! 🎉

Socious自豪地宣布成为2023年“白色莱卡骑士”慈善自行车巡回活动的官方支持者!在周末,我们的同事Madi Lommen完成了为期4天、长达500公里的骑行,支持当地非营利组织未来之森(Mirai no Mori)帮助边缘青少年。整个团队共筹集了1300万日元(约合9.3万美元),用于帮助青少年在护理家庭中通过户外冒险活动成长为领袖。祝贺所有单车手!🎉

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