Socious Secures Strategic Funding from Singularity NET's Deep Funding Initiative

We are excited to announce that Socious has secured funding from Singularity NET through their Deep Funding initiative. This partnership strengthens our mission to connect purpose-driven professionals with impact organizations. Big thanks to our supporters and the team at Singularity NET. Stay tuned for updates on how we'll use this opportunity to make a difference.

我们很高兴地宣布,Socious 已通过奇点网络(Singularity NET)的 “深度融资 ”计划获得了其提供的资金。这一合作关系加强了我们将有目标的专业人士与有影响力的组织联系起来的使命。非常感谢我们的支持者和Singularity NET团队。请继续关注我们的最新动态,了解我们将如何利用这一机会做出改变。

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