Socious was invited to speak at Sony

Our team at Socious recently had the privilege of discussing blockchain technology applications to the real world challenges with engineers at Sony. Through our work to resource impact entrepreneurs at Socious, we shared the role that technology can play in bridging the gap the capabilities of the established corporations and innovative, grassroots movements.

On stage at the Japan Symposium last month, Dr. Hirokai Kitano, CEO of Sony AI Inc., acknowledged that large companies must embrace diversity, particularly when large customer segments originate overseas.

最近,Socious 团队有幸与索尼公司的工程师们讨论了区块链技术在现实挑战中的应用。通过我们在Socious为有影响力的企业家提供资源的工作,我们分享了技术在缩小成熟企业与创新草根运动的能力差距方面所能发挥的作用。


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